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Ch. 1

Here is a list of all the key concepts you need to master in order to ace those exams!

Go through and see where you need to practice some more. 

1) All the hiragana

  • Can you read and write all the hiragana characters correctly?(ie. あ〜ん)pg. 3

  • Can you read and write all the voiced consonants correctly?(ie. が〜ぽ) pg. 17

  • Can you hear and point out long vowels correctly? (ie. ああ〜わあ)pg. 19

  • Can you hear and point out double constants correctly? (ie.  small『っ』) pg. 21

  • Can you hear and point out glides correctly (ie. きゃ〜ぴょ)pg. 24

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 3.22.05 PM.png

With the double consonants, make sure you pronounce the word the way it should be because adding the double constant sound or leaving it out can mean completely different words like this: 


2) Basic greetings (pg. 29-30)

  • Can you read, write, and say all these greetings?

  1. おはようございます

  2. おはよう

  3. ​こんにちは

  4. こんばんは

  5. はじめまして

  6. どうぞよろしく

  7. どうぞよろしくおねがいします

  8. ​しつれいします

  • Try matching the greeting to these images.


​Good morning




Good afternoon

Good evening


I look forward to working with you.




Excuse me (entering & leaving a room)

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