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One of the most beautiful hiking locations with small temples and shrines.
You can try their signature 金ゴマ団子(きんごまだんご)or 黒ゴマ団子
(くろごまだんご)when you reach the top. One's made with golden sesame and mochi and the other's made with black sesame and mochi.
金 =Gold
黒 =Black
If you're really hungry, there's an all-you-can-eat buffet call Beer Mount. The ticket price is about ¥4,000 (~$40). The food is nothing special but you can get a really good view as you eat.
Takao-san chair lift
To get to the top of Takao-san and get back, you can hike, take the cable car, or take the chair lift.
If you take the chair lift down, there's a person who takes a photo and you can purchase it for ¥1,000 (~$10) when you get to the bottom. The view is also beautiful.
Mount Holyoke in Hachioji
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